As the holiday season approaches, members of the Asian Culture Club, Black Student Union and Asian Honors Society worked together to create a community potluck. Each member of each club was asked to bring...
As the season of giving approaches, the Jewish Student Union announced the beginning of a sock drive in collaboration with Avalanche’s Attic, lasting Nov. 4 to Dec. 4. Launched in 2023 by counselor...
Senior credit checks just ended, but on Monday, school counselors began pulling juniors out of class to commence their checks. These will take place during students’ U.S. History classes throughout the...
Culinary III and IV classes have been in full speed over the past week, preparing decorated cakes for their Halloween Cake Wars Competition. Over the span of a few days, culinary teacher Matthew Thompson's...
“C’mon, guys, let’s go out and make some friends!” senior Emma Willadsen shouted, clapping her hands together and dispersing her board members. As the president of Student Ambassadors, Willadsen...