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The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


Foerster explains the guild's next adventure he has lined up in his campaign. Foerster always comes prepared to D&D sessions with two to five pages of campaign notes.

Of dice and men

Peyton Whittington, Managing Editor | August 11, 2016

“Heart of the cards,” senior Cole Monica mutters as he shakes the 20-sided dice in between his palms. He throws. He watches. It lands…on a 7. His character is struck by the tip of an Orcish war lord’s...

After just a handful of weeks since the tragic massacre, the Pulse Nightclub continues to collect candles, signs, messages and visitors from around the world.

One Pulse

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter | August 9, 2016

There is no noise in the house except for the news anchors that are rapidly speaking on the TV downstairs when senior Payton DeMarzo is shaken awake by her mom on what she expects to be an ordinary Sunday;...

Freshman Aly Schwartz plays Pokémon Go as she shops in Publix with her mother. Schwartz had been playing the game ever since it was recommended to her over social media.

Gotta catch’em all

Bryson Turner, Staff Reporter | August 9, 2016

Freshman Aly Schwartz strolled down the dairy section of Publix, glancing at her phone every few seconds. Contrary to popular beliefs, she is not texting or checking social media. She is playing the phenomenon...

While volunteering at A New Beginning Pet Rescue Center, junior Charlene Nguyen enjoys placing “Handsome” in his crate at the PetSmart store. Nguyen was responsible for the animal’s needs and made sure people knew the right information about him.

Making a change

Ahilyn Aguilar, Staff Reporter | August 6, 2016

For most teenagers, weekends mean parties, sports and sleep. For junior Charlene Nguyen, however, weekends mean new volunteering opportunities. As her hobby, Nguyen spends every weekend participating in...

Senior Robby Boyer leading the class of 2017 during the Oviedo football game pep rally on Sept. 11 last year. The team went on to lose 28-21.

Senior Robby Boyer born to lead student section

Justin Baronoff, Sports Editor | July 27, 2016

Ever since senior Robby Boyer watched 2014 graduate Drew Sullivan start the “rollercoaster” at pep rallies and lead the “I believe that we will win” chant at football games his freshman year, he...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School