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The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


Freshman Annie Trimboli photographs her new black choker pearl necklace that she had made. Trimboli has sold over 70 these chokers for $3.

Cashing in on Creativity

Melissa Donovan, Business Manager | February 26, 2017

Freshman Annie Trimboli wanted to purchase a black choker pearl necklace from Amazon but after looking at the price tag, she figured that she could just make one herself. Soon, friends noticed her wearing...

Senior Aidan Ryan gets his camera ready to film footage for his short movie. Ryan has 12 years of film experience and often asks his friends to take part in acting and producing his films.

So you want to make a movie?

Ahilyn Aguilar, News Editor | February 15, 2017

Everyone wants to make the next “Charlie Bit My Finger,” the video that got 2.6 million views within two weeks of being uploaded, and a video that is still a YouTube favorite. However, making a video...

Neel Maity practices his presentation before the science fair. Five students from experimental science competed at the annual science fair.

Experimenting with excellence

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter | February 13, 2017

A teen who can test coating on jet engine wires to prevent airplane explosions? It might sound like a cool new sci-fi show, but Experimental Science students came up with this idea and several innovative...

Senior Mackenzie Fitzgerald does online design work during her Digital Art class

A heart for the arts

Katarina Harrison, Staff Member | February 13, 2017

For most people, the idea of a job in art is the idea of a starving artist, struggling to sell their work for pennies apiece. For some, its an ideal just out of reach or a dream they think is impossible....

Cross country and track head cosch Jay Getty talks to the boys track team in practice on  Wednesday, Feb. 1.

Getty nominated national coach of the year

Justin Baronoff, Sports Editor | February 2, 2017

From coaching three-time Olympic runner Jenny Simpson to saving a man’s life from a heart attack, cross country head coach Jay Getty already has several accomplishments under his belt. He added to...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School