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The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


Senior Samuel Lee practices using the virtual reality lab. Many Modeling and Simulation projects, including the SWAT simulation, are created with the use of the VR lab.

Super SWAT simulation

Emily Cosio, News Editor | September 25, 2017

A virtual showcase of the Special Weapons and Tactics team sounds like a high-tech video game, but it is the latest project of the Modeling and Simulation Club. The club has been steadily growing and because...

Junior Brooke Boddiford donates water for the food pantry. The event was held in the front office, where food was organized for those affected.

Bringing relief

Sarah Dreyer, Staff Reporter | September 20, 2017

With heavy rain and wind speeds up to 80 mph, Hurricane Irma bombarded Oviedo Sept. 10-11, leaving extensive damage. Irma passed but left many without power for hours, days, or even a week. The hurricane...

The student section displays abundant school spirit during a football game. Many school spirit events are in some way tied to football.

Sports for non sports fans

Katarina Harrison, Opinions Editor | September 5, 2017

Sitting in the bleachers Friday night, freshmen Celeste Dixon and Hannah Sanchez have no idea what is happening in the field below them. They are there for band, not for fun, but can not help but think...

Col. Wimbish answers sophomore Ian Dauber's question about the curriculum. Asking questions in JROTC is highly encouraged,

A fresh start

Sarah Dreyer, Staff Reporter | August 30, 2017

The Pledge of Allegiance begins, and second period JROTC, with their hands at their hearts, recite the pledge. Last year, Lt. Col. Dale Johnson led the cadets, but now Col. Calvin Wimbish is in charge. Transferring...

Seniors Nicholas Hurley and Sam Thue reflect on the awkwardness and funny times of the "talking stage." The two have successfully  made it out of the "talking stage" because they have been dating for almost two years.

“We’re just talking”

Melissa Donovan, Assistant Editor | August 23, 2017

“One time, my friend and her boyfriend were trying to set me up with one of his friends. We decided to go see a movie because it’s an easy date,” junior Danielle Krietemeyer said. “I dragged my...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School