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The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


Girl gone VSCO

Jessica Maldonado, Editor-in-Chief | October 3, 2019

Hair pulled into a messy bun with a pink scrunchy. An oversized pink Vineyard Vine shirt paired with track shorts and Birkenstocks. Wrists stacked with Pura Vida rings and bracelets and a Hydro Flask hanging...

Senior Paul Handberg describes an image to Maya Pommet during a drawing activity in AP Art History.

Class of 2020 takes crown for most semifinalists in county

Sharika Khondaker, News Editor | September 21, 2019

On Tuesday, Sept. 17, administration announced the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists. This award is given to students who score in the top 1% nationally on the PSAT/ NMSQT. Ten students achieved...

Cheerleaders and dance team members perform during the Husky Huddle on Aug. 30. Principal Robert Frasca has planned to make spirit events like this more of a regular thing.

The Frasca Spirit

Leah Luedeman, Staff Reporter | September 18, 2019

Everyone dreads the moment they get called into the principal’s office, but Robert Frasca is hoping to change that by improving the way people view high school principals. At the end of  April, Frasca...

Zhang explains the directions to a calligraphy activity the class is doing.  Calligraphy is a traditional art form popular in China.

Made for Mandarin

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor | September 11, 2019

With the vast selection of world language courses available to students, from Spanish to French to American Sign Language, adding one more to the list might seem like too much. Several others are available...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School