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The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


Senior Briana Lopez was on the search for a white tennis skirt. She took a mirror selfie after finally finding one on the website SHEIN.

Fast-fashion, the online mall

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter | August 27, 2020

When the trendy cardigan you saw in PacSun for $50 you were able to find online for only a few bucks, it may sound sketchy, but fast-fashion has risen to its peak due to recent events regarding COVID-19....

Celebrities such as Charlie Puth and John Legend have taken to Instagram Live to perform impromptu concerts for their fans.


Sophie Woodburn, Staff Reporter | May 25, 2020

Most of the world is at a standstill thanks to coronavirus, but a global pandemic will not stop Drake supporters from listening to his new album, however, it will prevent the public from going to celebrity...

Sophomore Kayley Gilman's finished butterfly painting. Gilman used a canvas and acrylic paints that she had at home.

Do it yourself

Alexis Madlang, Staff Reporter | April 23, 2020

Rather than sinking deeper into the couch watching the ceiling fan twirl, sophomore Kayley Gilman decided to start painting again and learned to sew a dress during quarantine. Gilman could not find the...

Junior Hannah Sanchez, design editor for the yearbook staff, works on a spread. She, along with all other staffers, had to finish designing the book from home this year.

Under pressure

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor | April 21, 2020

When the news hit the public that school would be postponed and later cancelled for the rest of the year, teachers took the time to reorganize their classes and figure out solutions. But for the yearbook...

April is for binge watching

April is for binge watching

April 20, 2020

While many are stuck at home with nothing to do streaming shows from platforms such as Disney + and Netflix has become a popular way to pass the time.  Each of these services has something unique to bring...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School