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The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


Katie Pollack displays her collection of plants containing  he monstera, moondrop plant, and money tree.

Plant moms

Greta Carrasco, Staff Reporter | November 9, 2021

Rose gardens, backyard orchards and simple, yet unique houseplants. When an avid gardener opens their front door, they expect a luscious garden to be waiting inside. However, this is not always the case;...

Pictured at their post, Darryl Harris (left) and Keith Jackson (right) ensure that students are wearing their IDs as they enter school.

Checking in on the ID Checkers

Reagan Eastlick, Staff Reporter | November 8, 2021

As you walk into school with countless other kids, you are suddenly plucked out of obscurity, stopped and pulled aside. What are you guilty of? Your only crime is not wearing your school ID. As you rummage...

Kay McAdams has lived with Tourette’s syndrome for almost half of her lifetime. With time they have learned how to educate others about Tourette’s and how to cope with their condition.

Moving past Tourette’s

Emily McCluskey, Staff Reporter | November 3, 2021

Yelling out “I am a truck” or “I hate the British” seems like a normal day for the class clown and an easy way to get a laugh. However, sophomore Kay McAdams is not laughing. McAdams lives with...

Joelle Jackson and her sister at Fort Polk in Louisiana. After living abroad in Wiesbaden, Germany, she moved back to the US.

Military brats

Janell Lim, News Editor | October 21, 2021

Instead of an alarm clock, sophomore Joelle Jackson wakes up to the sound of a military horn, blaring at spaced time intervals to signal soldiers of roll calls, meal times and personal training.  That...

Taking pictures at football practice after school, senior James Hilston works as the team photographer.

Living through the lens

Alexis Madlang, Print Editor | October 12, 2021

For most, Friday Night Lights is about cheering on the varsity football team, hanging out with their friends or even playing on the football field. But for senior James Hilston, it is about the moments...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School