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The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


Junior Diego Osorio works as a GES Research assistant after school. With tight schedules and almost no time at all, students find ways to adapt to a filled schedule with work and school.

Juggling work and education

Greta Carrasco, Staff Reporter | May 4, 2022

Every student juggles responsibilities: from homework, extracurricular activities, and personal life. But let’s add one more factor to this: a part-time job. Most students enter the workforce for...

Junior Karina Ostashchuk scans a QR code to donate to Dollars for Doctors, a  fundraiser started by the Young Republicans and Young Democrats to provide medical aid to Ukraine. As a Ukrainian, Ostashchuk has also participated in food drives and anti-war rallies across central Florida.

War on the homefront

Sophia Canabal, Lifestyles Editor | April 26, 2022

When junior Karina Ostashchuk first came to Florida during the summer of 2019, her future was uncertain: her family had secured neither a job nor a home before the move. Surrounded by suburbs dotted with...

Senior Chloe Varady is in the bottom of her clean and jerk of 155 lbs at the district championships. Varady placed first at districts, granting her a spot at regionals and soon competed at states where she placed fifth.

Raising the bar

Julia Sumpter, Opinions Editor | April 17, 2022

From not making the starting team in tenth grade to earning the school’s first weightlifting scholarship, senior Chloe Varady has come a long way. In her third year, she became a captain, won fifth at...

Jaime with her two younger sisters, who also attend Flamenco Del Sol.

Dancing in color

Janell Lim, News Editor | April 5, 2022

The lights dim. The crowd stills, waiting. As the music begins to play, freshman Emiaj Jaime’s foot follows, her heart beating fast. She recites the rehearsed steps in her head, and begins to dance.  Jaime,...

Many students vape to relieve stress and anxiety, despite its negative health consequences. On-campus vaping has fostered a host of uncomfortable and awkward situations between students, their peers and administrators, who feel that vaping is a real problem.

Head in the clouds

Nadia Knoblauch, Staff Reporter | March 31, 2022

Walking into the school bathroom, sophomore Mason Kretzschmar was met with a cloud of smoke. Two boys moved back from the sinks as he went to wash his hands, the mirrors foggy from their breath. After...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School