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The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


Will Seavers and friends after he received his medal at the Special Olympics. After discovering a love for basketball, Will began to compete for his middle school team and participate in the Special Olympics games.

Will’s World

Isaiah Macri, Staff Reporter | September 18, 2023

You are having a bad day—maybe you just flunked a math test or had a falling out with a close friend. As you mope to your next class, you’re approached by a friendly face and can’t help but smile....

Hagerty photo ambassadors pose for the camera to promote Karlie Marini's photography. They love spending their free time modeling with their friends.

Lights, camera, smile

Gabriella Navarro, Staff Reporter | September 8, 2023

Many young girls dream of being a fashion model when they grow up. They practice strutting down the runway and posing for imaginary paparazzi in the mirror.  These dreams became reality for juniors...

Hagerty junior Lauren Chen enjoys playing the viola and is part of the Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra. Chen spent her summer in Italy playing outdoor venues in Milan, Pavia, Venice, Perugia, and Rome.

What’s your thing? Laura Chen

Greta Carrasco, Online Editor | September 1, 2023

  She has played with an orchestra in Milan, Venice and Rome but you won't see Lauren Chen at a high school orchestra concert. Playing the viola in outdoor venues around Italy was the last...

Early Childhood Education teacher Kristen Kidd helps students with individual instructions. After teaching at Hamilton and Geneva elementary schools for 22 years, Kidd now joins Hagerty staff to teach entry ECE courses.

New Kidd on the block

Lillie Overton, Staff reporter | August 24, 2023

As a new day starts, Kristen Kidd drinks her morning coffee—waking up to the sound of her dogs’ barks and her agenda for the day. After taking her dogs for a walk, Kidd gathers her plans and papers...

Crossing guard Larry Miller stops traffic after school for students to cross the street. Miller was voted as the top crossing guard in the state last February.

Loyal to the cross

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter | May 24, 2023

Every morning, junior Cailin Kilkenny looks forward to crossing the street to get to school. Not because she is excited for class, but more for her daily conversation with crossing guard Larry Miller.  “Larry...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School