Supply drive benefits hurricane victims

Supply drive benefits hurricane victims

After the catastrophic Hurricane Michael, Florida’s panhandle was devastated. Seventeen people lost their lives, over 1 million buildings lost power and schools in several counties still remain closed.

Due to these events, SCPS held a school supplies drive at the school for the victims of the disastrous storm. From crayons to dehumidifiers, the recent devastation has left countless schools in need of supplies. Students can find a list of the specific school supplies requested, and a flier with the information is available on the school website. Students who wish to contribute can drop off any donation at the front office, where they are being gathered during the school supply drive. Donations will be accepted at the school until Wednesday, Oct. 31.

Some teachers are also giving extra credit to students who bring in donations, like English teacher Krista Darling, who posted a flier for the event on her whiteboard several days ago. By offering students extra credit, teachers encourage donations to a good cause while also allowing students to boost a damaged grade.

Once the event has concluded, all donated supplies will be gathered and organized. The following day, a SCPS truck will retrieve the donations from the school and begin the process of transporting these items to the hurricane victims in the Florida Panhandle and distributing them.

In addition to the physical school supply drive, the district is also collecting monetary donations online. These contributions will also go towards the victims of Hurricane Michael, and will help to restore those things the donations could not cover. To make a monetary contribution, students need only visit

“Giving of yourself and your family on behalf of others is caring, thoughtful and a helpful thing to do,” principal Mary Williams said.