Senior class prepares for prom

photo by Bridget Hahn

Junior Bakari Broadus and seniors Bryan Fajardo and Dorian Beaupierre enjoy the DJ brought by the senior class. The DJ performed during both lunches.

As prom arises, the senior leadership class, along with senior class sponsor Laura Estes have been preparing for prom which is scheduled to be held on April 21st at the Hard Rock Live.

Preparation for prom started during their freshman year when they began to raise money for the amount that was needed for prom plans. Part of these preparations were fundraisers such as car washes and spirit nights which began last year and remained all the way up until these past months.

After the required amount of money was raised, senior class president Oliver Hart and fellow officers pursued their goal of being the first class to hold prom at the Hard Rock Live.

“No other class at Hagerty has done it before so we were just excited for a change of scene,” Hart said.

This year the prom theme will be “Rock the Night Away’ and in order to promote it and its  tickets, the senior leadership class has released important information on Twitter, through @Oliver_hart18 and @SGAClassof2018. The officers also invited its assigned prom DJ on Thursday, March 8, to pump-up seniors for prom and encourage them to buy their tickets fast.


After spring break senior class officers, Hart and senior Abby Smith will be visiting Hard Rock Live to prepare the menu for prom and taste the food that will be provided.This year seniors will also have the opportunity to donate to one of the three different charities in lieu of getting a prom favor at the dance.

“So far, more than half of the students going to prom have decided to have their prom favor money donated to one of the charities,” Estes said. “The senior class is really ‘Leaving a Legacy;’ which is the class’ motto.” Estes said.

The senior class also encourages students to take part in prom planning by sending song requests on Twitter through the hashtag #HagertyProm.

For those who still need a ticket, they are available during first and second lunch for $85 in the cafeteria through Thursday, March 15.

For future events like the Sammy’s, leadership will still hold fundraisers to raise money. The next fundraiser will be held on Monday, April 9 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Chipotle.