Band earns straight superiors at Marching Performing Assessment

photo by Jake Arthur

Band director Brad Kuperman eyed the sweaty students huddling around him that had just performed a nine minute show on the Deland stadium field full of people.  He opened the envelope before reading the results from their Marching Performance Assessment show on Oct. 26– straight Superiors.

Marching Performance Assessment is a required event for all marching bands in Seminole County.  The bands go to Deland where they march their shows and are judged by professionals who give them scores in different categories including, auxiliary, musical effect, visual effect, and other sections.  The lowest score a marching band can receive is a poor, and the highest is a superior.

“Going into it, I didn’t know what was going to happen due to the early performances not being that strong,” junior Amanda Wise said.  “But coming out of it, it felt like a good performance.  We deserved the rating we got.”

The marching band began training for this performance over summer.  They practice every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday with practice times ranging between one and a half to three hours.