Slow pitch takes second in conference championship

photo by Nora Godikson

First baseman Daryn Miller slaps the ball in a 4-1 win over Oviedo. The team had a regular season record of 14-1.

Ending the regular season 14-1, the slow pitch softball team placed second at the SAC conference championship, drawing a close to the season. The tournament was held at Lake Mary High on both Tuesday, Oct. 10, and Wednesday, Oct. 11.

The girls won the first two games of the conference tournament against Seminole on Tuesday (15-0), then Lake Howell on Wednesday (2-1).

“It felt good to beat Lake Howell, especially since the game was so close,” first baseman Gabi Mathre said.

During the Lake Howell game, Mathre got two hits and scored the winning run in the bottom of the fourth inning.

In the same game, they secured their spot in the championship with two “jaw dropping” catches by left fielder Lauren Tulp during the sixth and seventh innings.

During the championship game against Lyman, the team tried to keep the momentum from the past two games with strong defense and two hits by third base Shannon Glover.

However, they struggled with getting the hits they needed when they needed it.

“In the last game we fought to the very last inning where they just out hit us,” middle fielder Ashley Worrell said. “Our defense was extremely good, but our bats weren’t quite working.”

They remained positive while playing in the last game while attempting more hits and ensuring their defense was active.

“I remember thinking in the game: ‘Just get on base, it doesn’t matter how, just get on,’” Mathre said.

The team fell short in the championship, losing 3-0. Lyman was also the only team who beat them in the overall season.

With the season ending, they now look forward to the upcoming fast pitch fall club season, which begins Wednesday, Oct. 18, as well as the official high school spring season which starts up in January.

“The overall season went really well, each player played well,” second base Gianna Thompson said. “[We] never gave up and our defense was good all around.”