Runners vibrant at Color Run

On Sept. 22 t 8:30 a.m., the first heat of 5,000 runners was released into the streets surrounding the Citrus Bowl to run through pink, yellow, blue and red colored powdered paint over the course of 3.1 miles.

“If this race comes to your city, you have to go,” freshman Colleen Burt said. “Everyone was covered in enough color to paint a house; it was amazing.”

Participants in the race had the option to walk, run, skip or even dance through the four color stations, stationed every few kilometers. Volunteers at the stations would then spray down participants with colored powder until every person was covered.

“All I could think about throughout the three miles was the after party, and the color throw,” Burt said.

After participants finished the race, they made their way over to the main stage where a DJ played music and the Color Run host gave away prizes such as Color Run jackets, shorts and color packets. Approximately half an hour after the first wave of runners finished, the first color throw commenced next to the stage.

“It was almost 1,000 people at one time dancing to music, then counting down backwards from ten and on one everyone released their color packets,” Burt said. “Seeing all the colors hanging in the air above the crowd gave me gooosebumps.”

A color throw was initiated after each of the 8 heats finished the race, and participants were encouraged to become as colorful as possible to potentially appear on the next Color Run advertisement. Though most money went toward the race organizer’s budget for buying powdered paint, a portion was divided between multiple charities.

“The Color Run was created to celebrate the health, happiness, and individuality of everyone on Earth,” Burt said. “That’s why it’s called the happiest race on Earth.”