Breaking out

Students and their families plan to go on out-of-the-country trips during spring break

Senior Erika Grasso walks through a forest during one of her past trips to Winnipeg, Canada.

:Oviedo on the Park, The Townhouse, Oviedo Bowling Alley, the beach… Sure, all of these sound like great places to go on spring break, but seniors Erica Blair, Erika Grasso, and Franz Plescha want to get out. Not only out of Oviedo, but out of the country.

Some people travel for fun, others travel to see family, but everyone likes to travel.

Blair and her family will spend their break in Australia just for enjoyment. They are flying into Sydney and will be traveling around that part of the country.

Originally, her mom picked Australia to visit last year, but that got delayed, so they are going this spring break.

“We picked [it] because there is a lot to do and the weather is supposed to be nice,” Blair said.

Blair is hoping to skydive, go to the beaches, and explore the country.

“This is the first time I will be going out of the country, so I’ve never really been on a big trip like this before,” Blair said. “I am really excited.”

Grasso is also traveling for fun, and she is going to Reykjavik, Iceland. Reykjavik is Iceland’s main town, and Grasso’s mother, who is also a math teacher here, has been there before. The rest of the family had not planned to go, but her step-brother was planning on it and they decided to go with him.

“My mom has a friend that lives in Reykjavik, but that is not the only reason why we are going,” Grasso said. “The trip is simply for enjoyment.”

Traveling to Iceland has been on Grasso’s bucket list. She is on a mission to see a puffin, a bird that lives in Iceland, and to ride an Icelandic horse, since they are native there and cannot be found anywhere else. There are also a lot of hot springs and lagoons that Grasso and her family are planning on visiting.

Unlike Grasso’s and Blair’s trips, Plescha and his family are going to Germany to visit family and friends. They will be spending most of their time in Bavaria, which is in South-Eastern Germany. But, they also plan on visiting and spending time at the Alps.

“[My family and I] used to live there, so it is more of a homecoming than an actual trip,” Plescha said. “We also have plenty of friends and family in Germany so we are excited to see them and touch base again.”

Plescha has lived in Germany for 11 years and moved to the United States in 2013, so he is used to traveling. Direct spending by resident and international travelers in the U.S. averaged $2.6 billion a day, $108.1 million an hour, $1.8 million a minute and $30,033 a second ( Plescha, who has been to 20-30 countries and five continents, is contributing to these amounts.

2.8 billion people travel internationally each year, but Blair and Grasso’s families keep most of their travel within the country (

“During the summer my family takes a big trip that is usually out of the country; last year we went to Italy,” Grasso said.

Grasso’s summer travels are for fun as well. Last year’s spring break however, was about the same for all three seniors, consisting of going to the beach and visiting local family.

Although traveling out of the country is assumed more exciting than staying here in Oviedo, Plescha has an ounce of sadness going into this year’s spring break.

The usual spring break of students who stay in Oviedo consists of the beach, pool, Netflix, and friends. Although not comparing to traveling anywhere, nevertheless out the of country, students still have a great time.

“I love Germany and I am excited to go back, however spring break in Florida is one of my favorite times,” Plescha said. “So I am a little upset I will be missing out on that, but it will not take away from my trip”