Feast to raise funds for breast cancer

Students will soon have the opportunity to raise money and awareness for breast cancer by pigging out with friends. Friday, Sept. 27 will mark the National Honor Society’s third annual Pink’d Out Pig Out, complete with assorted snacks and pre-game activities to support a worthy cause. It will all kick off at 5:30 on the soccer fields, and tickets are available at both lunches for $5 each.

NHS sponsor Mrs. Angela Campbell describes Pink’d Out Pig Out as a tailgate-like celebration to hype up the crowd and allow students to raise additional funds for breast cancer. Highlights include live music and a meal for each attendee.

“I believe students should attend because our community, our friends, teachers, and loved ones have been affected by cancer,” Campbell said. “It shows that we care about Oviedo, and that we care about [our neighbors].”

While this year’s Pink’d Out Pig Out is only the third so far, Campbell reports that the event has brought in up to $1700 in past years. She encourages students to help cancer research organizations and “show support for not only breast cancer, but any type of cancer.”

In addition to the festivities at Pink’d Out Pig Out, students can attend the Pink’d football game later that night or purchase a shirt at lunch to show their support for breast cancer and share in the school spirit.