Pep rally strong for first home football game

Celebrating the first home football game of the year, a first pep rally was held in the new gym on Sept. 6. The pep rally started off with a performance by the cheerleaders. New Principal Mary Wiliams was then introduced, first coming out in a Lake Brantley jersey, then receiving a makeover and coming out in school colors.

The traditional competition for the spirit stick was held, and the seniors secured the stick once again, yelling louder than all of the other classes. A member of each class peppered (a controlled game of volleyball) with the volleyball team, and  Varsity player Kylie Houston and junior Rhianna Raymundo won the game, followed by varsity player Brooke Bonde and senior Alex Miller. Relay games between lower and upper classes also took place, upperclassmen came out with the win.

“My favorite part of the pep rally was the games because it was fun seeing people you know do funny things,” sophomore Brenden Geist said.

Coach Ziglar gave an inspirational speech as well, reminding students that they were the twelfth player on the field when they showed up at games to support their football team. He encouraged students to continue to support their football team, as he believed that fans can make a difference.

The next pep rally is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 20.