It’s about #@$! time

People have mixed feelings as election day draws near

graphic by Emaleigh Sanchez

No matter how hard she tries, senior Samantha Moberg can never seem to escape political discussions. Everywhere she turns, people are talking about their own political views, what happened during last night’s debate or the latest Clinton/Trump accusation.

But it will all be over on Tuesday, Nov. 8.

As election day approaches, people harbor mixed feelings about who will be the next to lead the nation, and for good reason. This election is a financial and cultural phenomenon, with $110.9 million spent on political advertisements for president in Florida alone, as of Oct. 27, according to Bloomberg Politics. In addition, the first presidential debate on Monday, Sept. 26 was the most watched presidential debate in U.S. history with 84 million viewers, according to CNN Money, and this does not even include people watching at offices, bars, restaurants, parties or via C-SPAN. More people are involved in this election than ever before, and the candidates’ inflated ad spending combined with trending social media hashtags like #HillaryForPrision (typo is intentional to avoid censorship) and #TerribleTrump only add to it.

Considering this, it’s no wonder people have conflicting feelings about the election. Even those who are not usually politically informed are forced to participate in national conversation. From excitement to curiosity to sadness to relief, the outcome of this year’s election will not mean the same thing for everyone, regardless of who wins.

Moberg is most looking forward to all the political hype finally ending.

“It’s hard to believe such a serious thing is so out of control. It’s almost unrealistic that this is actually happening,” Moberg said. “I feel like one day I’ll tell my kids, ‘I went through this crazy election year, and you never in a million years would think that a [presidential candidate] would drop F-bombs on live television.’”

While people like Moberg want to see this election season put to bed, others are interested to see the change that will result from election day.

“Regardless of the outcome, people will realize that the United States is going to be very different in the coming years, and whoever is the president, we should [recognize] their strengths and try and help with their weaknesses,” senior Justin Sasso said. “We can always use our voices to try and improve the state of our country instead of just complaining about it.”

Although, Sasso will miss the Internet memes generated from the election, which he believes ease tensions between parties.

“I think it’s awesome, because if we can laugh about it, then that definitely makes it better,” Sasso said.

Junior Samantha Hobbs has also enjoyed the election’s comedic value, and will be sad to see it dissipate in wake of election day.

“Now that the last debate is over, it’s kind of upsetting because they were kind of funny,” Hobbs said. “There’s more drama and stories on Twitter [than previous elections].”

Controversy over political candidates and unusually strong party polarization will be remembered, especially by first time voters.

“It’s pretty interesting, since this is the first election I’ll be able to vote in,” senior Alex Shaouni said. “It’s definitely not normal to have a business guy and the [former First Lady] running to become president.”

While Sasso believes he has a concrete prediction of the election’s outcome, Shaouni can’t identify a clear winner.

“It’s been a hard-fought debate and some people think it’s going to be a landslide, but I think it’s going to end up being really close,” Shaouni said.

There are those who want the election to end and those who will miss the memes, those who have predicted who will win, and those who are undecided, and those who just don’t know what to think, but everyone can agree that this election is a showdown to be remembered.

“It’s a lot different now than it was in 2008,” freshman Jordan Long said. “A lot is going to change.”

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