Girl Up club holds Salvation Army drive

Sophomore Valeria Portillo creates a poster to advertise the drive.

From Monday Oct. 17 to Friday Oct. 28, the Girl Up club will be holding a Salvation Army drive to benefit a women and children shelter.  The Salvation Army is accepting a plethora of items including bottled water, blankets and toiletries, all of which can be turned into the sponsor Romina Jannoti’s room, 6-109, or the front office.

“I think [Salvation Army] is a great organization for helping the women and children’s center, because they will be donating straight to them rather than selling the items,” co-president Juliana Voelker said.

Since this is Girl Up club’s first year and this is their first time doing a drive such, they do not have a set goal.  They also elected to go for the donation of items for the shelter rather than asking for paper money, because they feel students will be less likely to have money available for the shelter.

“We’re not asking that you donate $100, because if you just donate a shirt or a blanket it would help someone out,” Voelker said. “Anything here helps and we just hope people will understand and give or ask their parents to buy something to help.”

Although Girl Up club was created to stand up for international women’s rights, co-president Alyssa Martin feels that helping women in this community is also very important, and she emphasized that these are people who are in need of assistance.

“I think it’s a really good cause, and I love that we have something like the Girl Up club that allows us to help this shelter in our community as well as all of the other stuff we do,” Martin said.