Yearbook launches Pokémon-themed promotion

photo by Kelsey Zibell

Marketing Director Phebe Brocke hides Pokémon cards on campus.

Just when you thought the hoards of people swarming parks, local college campuses and other Oviedo landmarks on the hunt for Pokémon was over, the yearbook marketing team is bringing it all back. The Fusion staff has arranged a Pokémon-inspired promotion for this year’s book, set to take place Thursday and Friday, Aug. 18 and 19.

Pokémon cards will be hidden all over campus. Those who find them can redeem $5-$10 discounts for the yearbook sale Monday, Aug. 22 through Wednesday, Aug. 24. One especially well-hidden card will be redeemable for a free yearbook.

HagertyJourn will also be posting clues about where cards are hidden on their Twitter account, @hagertyjourn, and their newly active Snapchat account of the same name.

“Since Pokémon Go has been such a big thing this summer, we figured we would do something related to pop culture that people find interesting, rather than just another generic [marketing] plan,” senior staffer Sarah Redmond said.

Marketing Director Phebe Brocke came up with the idea for a Pokémon scavenger hunt.

20 of these Pokémon cards, designed by Sarah Redmond and Emaleigh Sanchez, will be hidden across campus.
20 of these Pokémon cards, designed by Sarah Redmond and Emaleigh Sanchez, will be hidden across campus.

“A [staffer] was talking about how we could put Mad Libs around school [as a promotion], and I was like, ‘Whoa, around school? That’s Pokémon Go,’” Brocke said.

Although Brocke provided the original idea for the promotion, staffers Redmond and senior Emaleigh Sanchez designed and provided content for the Pokécards themselves. The cards contain information on their value and feature a ‘Bulbasale,’ playing off the first generation Pokémon ‘Bulbasaur.’

“The first thing that came into my mind was, ‘How can I turn the name for this into a pun?’” Redmond said. “Then the Bulbasale just popped into my head.”

Yearbook sales will take place during both lunches and during Open
House on Monday, Aug. 22.