Football falls to Lions in spring game

Last season, the football team won in the spring game against Lyman, 24-0. Yesterday, however, was a different outcome against a different team.

On Thursday, May 19, the team lost in their spring game against Oviedo, 31-21. Despite the loss, running backs Tony Felix, Leo Gomez and Oliver Hart led the way for the team, each scoring a touchdown.

“Scoring gave me a whole new rush of energy,” Gomez said. “I saw a big hole open up in the middle and I just didn’t stop moving my feet until I was in the end zone.”

Although the team had more rushing touchdowns than Oviedo in the game, their chances of winning started to fade away in the second half, as they fumbled the ball three times, one of which Oviedo returned for a touchdown.

“You can’t blame anyone for the fumbles,” quarterback Matt Lipari said. “I just feel like we lost the game ourselves and we needed to be more consistent at times.”

Heading into the game, most people, including head coach Phil Ziglar, were feeling confident.

“I knew we were just going to go out there and play the best we could to see what would happen,” Ziglar said. “It didn’t even matter to me that it was a rivalry because it’s just to help us find out what type of talent we have and where we’re going to be for the fall.”

However, for others, the outcome of the game did not matter.

“I couldn’t have cared less if we won or lost,” Felix said. “I just wanted to leave it all on the field, and I did that by scoring my first varsity touchdown.”

The team will start summer workouts on June 6, looking to improve on their speed and consistency and fix their miscues from the spring game.

“We all know what we have to do this summer, including me,” Lipari said. “I just have to get my throwing down and we’ll be ready for fall.”