New administrators added

This year two new assistant principals, Michael Howard and Gisela Cotto, have transferred from Winter Springs High School and Lake Howell High School, respectively.

Before she worked at Winter Springs, Cotto worked alongside principal Mary Williams at Lake Brantley High School, where Cotto administered for 20 years.

“Hagerty seems to be a very friendly school, the faculty are welcoming and I am already excited for the spirit activities,” Cotto said.

Cotto is also the 504 coordinator for Exceptional Students with Disabilities and is also an adjunct professor at Seminole State College on Mondays and Wednesdays.

One of Howard’s main new jobs is to induct new teachers along with Response To Intervention Support.

“The school is relatively the same as Lake Howell;  the architecture is different, and the students here are respectful and kind,” Howard said.

Cotto and Howard both have discipline duties, evaluations of different programs, and provide the school with needed testing assistance.

Howard and Cotto represent four new administrators along with Williams and Admin Assistant Jesse Walker.