Dance classes spin a new show

photo by Jake Arthur

Dance students perform a number at the winter show.

Dance has pirouetted away from their traditional dance shows for the 7 p.m. performance on Thursday, March 17. This time, the routines in the spring show were choreographed by the performers with little help from dance teacher Diane Hasenbank as a way to give them the opportunity to create a routine and follow through.

“It’s about giving the kids the opportunity to explore a different side of dance,” Hasenbank said.

All students in the dance program will be involved in the show with some as performers and others as crew with jobs such as ushers or backstage hands. The majority of the performers come from the upper dance technique classes with a large group number from the National Honor Society for Dance Arts.

“It’s awesome to see the dance tech students stepping up and taking a role in choreographing in dances,” Unleashed co-captain Rachel Campany said.

The idea for this additional dance performance came from last year when the students had put together routines as an assignments, but only performed them for their class.

“I felt like they did a really great job [last year] and nobody got to see any of it but us, so I felt it was important to give them the opportunity for others to see their hard work,” Hasenbank said.

Out of the 17 performances, three are solos with the rest as medium to large groups. The different routines are varied between slow, emotional songs to fast, upbeat numbers such as a hip-hop routine.

“Your emotions don’t always have to be vocalized,” Hasenbank said. “You can express yourself through movement.”

Also different from previous shows was Hasenbank’s decision to not have an intermission to keep the show moving and cut down the time.

The dance show tickets will go on sale Monday through the school website at $5 a ticket with the ability to pick specific seats.