Olympic Sized Theme

The standard underwater, magical, and decade-themed homecomings are out. Unlike previous years, when the theme was chosen from the leadership class, the entire student body was invited to propose and vote on potential themes. Each student who attended the Aug. 7 meeting in Leadership teacher Kari Miller’s room was required to share a PowerPoint depicting the theme they wanted for this year’s dance.

This change was due to an overwhelming amount of prom proposals from students at the end of last year. The leadership class wanted to get the entire student body more involved and excited about events throughout the year.

“This way, everyone who wants their opinion heard has an opportunity to let their voice be heard, regardless of grade level or whether they are in leadership,” Dance Chair Tania Imani said.

The theme chosen by students who attended the meeting was Rio Summer Olympics. Throughout the week the theme will be displayed through country flags around campus and with themed spirit days. Wild Wednesday where students dress up like animals (because Rio has dense rain forests) and Game Day where everyone dresses like a summer sporting event are among the chosen spirit days.

Another feature to the week will be an opening ceremony before the dodgeball tournament on Tuesday. Teams participating in the tournament will carry flags to mimic the Olympic opening ceremony. Other decorations may include Olympic rings and torches.

The theme was proposed by Haley Parlette, with the help of her mother, who helped her think of the original theme. And because of the upcoming Olympic Games, it can never be repeated, so she knew it would be perfect.

“Once she said [the Olympics], we both started pouring out idea after idea and everything fell into place,” Parlette said.

Homecoming week will begin after a teacher workday on Tuesday, Oct. 20 and the dance will take place on Saturday, Oct. 24. The leadership class will be preparing for the dance and will have more announcements in the upcoming months. The best way to find out information about homecoming week is through the Hagerty Leadership Twitter page.

“The theme this year will be better than ever because [it] has never been done before and we are beyond excited to bring this fun Brazilian theme to life,” Imani said.