Chorus excels at Music Performance Assessment

After rushing to get changed into their performance uniforms and having to wait for their late charter bus, the chorus arrived at a church in Deland ready to be judged for their year’s work. The chorus scored well at district Music Performance Assessment on Friday, March 6, with Voices of Hagerty receiving straight Superiors, Concert Choir receiving an overall Superior and Combined Men’s and Combined Women’s Chorus both receiving Excellent.

For the past few months, chorus has been busy preparing for events such as A Show of Affection and Solo and Ensemble. Teacher Victoria Rathbun made sure to spend the weeks leading up to District MPA working hard to prepare. The majority of pieces were worked on in December.

District MPA scoring consisted of a performance session and a sight reading session. The sight reading session required students to divide into voice groups and perform rhythm patterns and harmonies they had just seen for the first time.

“It’s not just being able to sing the right notes, it’s being able to feel the music and sing with emotion. It’s about making the song a song, not just the notes on the page,” sophomore Cole Monica said.

Voices of Hagerty and Concert Choir qualified to perform at State MPA on April 29. The date gives them time to prepare and perfect all aspects of their singing. Chorus members look forward to state MPA but are still excited about their recent scores.

“I really enjoyed my last MPA and I’m really proud of the work that all the choirs put in,” senior Jessie Whittemore said.