BPA gets down to business

On Feb. 13-15, the Business Professionals of America club will be attending the State Leadership Conference at the Walt Disney World Resort Hilton to prove their prowess in business procedures, with competitions in presenting, typing, speaking and computer skills.

The competitions are composed of two parts: writing and presenting. In the written portion, members are given a multiple choice test on subjects like law or medical procedures. They are then given a prompt they use to create a presentation and speech. Some events focus on computer skills like programming or web design, while others are centered on economics. But all the competitions help enhance business skills of future entrepreneurs.

Since the club is so small, with only four members on the team, Jessica Lynch, Felipe Nieves, Maria Ramirez-Patino and the club president, Emily Abernathy, they all get to participate in the competition. Furthermore, getting into the club is not hard; they need more advocates eager to learn about business.

“It sounds like a boring club, but it isn’t,” said Abernathy. “It is fun because of the people that are in it and you learn a lot about your future.”

Whether to improve technological skills in a professional atmosphere or to become a leader, the Business Professionals of America, plans to show off its workplace skills at the conference this year with the goal to bring back more people next year. For more information, see club sponsor Diann Williams in room 2-112.