PALS holds Hearts for Autism Walk on Valentine’s Day

pals walk really On Saturday, Feb. 14, Youth PALS will host the annual Hearts for Autism walk at Sam Momary Stadium from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This walk is used to raise money for scholarships, classrooms supplies and activities for kids with autism.

Activities such as corn-hole, face painting, a dunk tank and a police helicopter will be available. The dunk tank will be occupied with familiar teachers and students, such as journalism teacher and club sponsor Brit Taylor, WOOF TV personality Johan Guasp, track coach Matt Malkovich, AP environmental teacher Marc Pooler, AP econ teacher Mora Vaughn and social studies teacher Weston Below.

“The feeling of just being there for the kids is great. The positive and lively atmosphere creates a fun time for everyone who comes to the walk,” PALS vice president Kennedi Martin said.

Martin makes sure she gets the word out to each student and teacher.

“I go out on social media like Facebook and Twitter, put up flyers around school, and talk all my friends into coming,” Martin said.

Although more teenage activities could be added to the walk, people who have attended prior years seemed to enjoy spending their time with friends, and plan on attending this following year.

“It’s a joyful time for the kids, and although I’m freezing in the cold water, I volunteer every year,” Coach Below said.

The PALS club and the UCF CARD are hosting this event. PALS is still looking for sponsors; to register for the walk or find more information go to