photo by parkspartyplanning (TikTok)
Gift card present
- Christmas USB charger
- Card pack
- Gift card box holder
- Mini bristle Christmas trees
- Bow (optional)
We could not find a gift card box holder, so we used a little empty box. Add the gift card inside the card and put it standing up in the back of the box.
Add the USB charger and Christmas tree to the front of the box. You can tape the bottom of the charger and Christmas tree to the box so it does not ruin them or slide around in the box.
NAILED IT We did not have the correct box so it did not look the same but it was still cute. If we had the right box, we could have added the white pom poms and it would have made for a better gift to give someone. Definitely try this out if you want a cute gift card spice up.
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