Loud, exciting, fulfilling

photo by Jailyn Yankeloff

Senior Dylan Post celebrating his last homecoming. Class of 2022 was the first senior class to have a homecoming in 2 years.

 We are loud, we are exciting, we are fulfilling. We wear our colors with pride, we cheer on our teams, we strive for greatness. It is safe to say the graduating class of 2022 has developed a unique connection thanks to all the memories that have been made. 

Senior year has been a lot, but it vanished in a moment’s notice and many would agree that it has been the best year yet. Seniors applied to colleges, finalized scores, sorted out scholarships and made college decisions all in one year. Through it all, seniors have left their mark, whether it be in as sports captains leading their teams to state and national championships or in academics as the class with the most honor graduates in school history. 

“I think I have had a great impact at Hagerty especially in sports because I have shown lots of tenacity when playing, and I hope the underclassmen getting into sports see that,” senior Olivia Price said.

Not only have seniors had an impact on sports, but sports have had an impact on us through learning life lessons, building relationships and alternate skills. 

“I’ve learned that sometimes the more you try, the less you may achieve. When you throw in track, if you put too much strength into it, your form kind of falls apart,” senior Ryan Winningham said. “So I feel like the same can be applied to schoolwork or just anything you’re trying to achieve. Way too much effort can lead to unnecessary stress.”

Navigating through high school has been an individual journey for everyone. Some have been with the same friends since elementary, and others have had to make new friends along the way. 

“I didn’t know very many people coming in and it wasn’t always easy to make friends. Then COVID hit and it was hard to put myself out there,” senior Riley Gordon said, “but by senior year, I knew I had to reach out to people and involve myself more and I have met so many people. It’s been fun being able to spend this year with them.”

Nevertheless, seniors have been left with a lot to reflect on. The past four years have been a period of realization, and figuring things out. Learning lessons that needed to be learned, whether pleasant or unpleasant. 

“In the future when I look back at this year I will feel thankful and know what I chose was best for me,” Gordon said. “I came to a school that I knew was going to be more academically successful. I am grateful for all that I was provided with, such as amazing teachers, staff, and friends.”

The senior class has been together through a lot, and considering the challenges faced, seniors like Nicholas Patrylo have found it motivating.

“It kind of gives me a look on life later and I’m excited to work more and harder,” Patrylo said. 

Moving forward, many seniors will not see each other again unless it happens to be around town or at a reunion in 15 years. There is so much to look forward to however, and so much to remember.

“I think we have a lot of bright students in our grade who will achieve so much and who go above and beyond,” Gordon said. “We have had a good time with all the activities and have lived life to the fullest.”

Senior Nitin Balasubramanian, the class of 2022 valedictorian. His main motivation is not having to wake up at six in the morning anymore. Photo edited by Alexis Madlang.
Senior Melissa Erdem, the class of 2022 salutatorian. Her favorite quote is “A little knowledge removes a lot of ignorance.” Photo edited by Alexis Madlang.
Senior Timothy Horanic and junior Austin Whitworth run stadiums to prepare for basketball season. Photo edited by Alexis Madlang.
Senior Sophia Willis gets ready for the serve from here beach volleyball teammate. The beach volleyball team finished the year in the final four. Photo edited by Alexis Madlang.
Senior Jarrett Warner gets a boutonniere pinned on him before prom. Warner won chorus member of the year. Photo edited by Alexis Madlang.
Senior Hali Fildes won female athlete of the year. Fildes was team captain for the girls weightlifting team. Photo edited by Alexis Madlang.
Senior Andrew Zeiger warms up for his lacrosse game. Photo edited by Alexis Madlang.
Senior Mia Spitulski at bat for softball. Softball is in the regional round of 32, and hopes to win states. Photo edited by Alexis Madlang.
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