Little Machines mixes beautiful sounds, poetic lyrics

Lights, a Canadian electro-pop artist, has debuted her third full length album entitled Little Machines. The album was released on Sept. 23 and is available on iTunes.

With electronic music becoming more popular, Lights’ new album is a great one, especially if you want music that reminds you of running around without any worries.

Her new album is a mix of both her oldest album, The Listening with more free beats and synthesizer sounds and Siberia, an album that focuses on dubstep. The album mixes nostalgia, ambient synthesizer sounds, and upbeat guitar and drums.

“Running with the Boys,” is one of the more upbeat songs. It focuses on the freedom of childhood and then the pleasure of growing up, with lyrics such as “We were kind of feral wicked little machines.” The lyrical structure is also similar to “The Listening” since she uses words in a form of fairytale metaphors, comparing situations to captains and cavalries and forest towns.

One of her other cheerful songs is “Up We Go”, which has deeper sounding, hard hitting beats and synthesizes sounds, a contrast to her higher pitched voice, even if she does sound a lot more mature while singing. Similar to “Up We Go,” “The Same Sea” is a song that is more dubstep sounding in nature but also sounds similar to a few songs on “The Listening.” This song showcases her talent in mixing both genres.

Lights also contrasts the more upbeat songs with calmer ones, like “Portal.” The more ballad-like tracks show the beauty in her voice along with deeper meanings and softer, more ambient instrumentals that you wouldn’t mind listening to while studying. “Portal” is about finding an anchor in life when everything is falling apart. The song has deep poetic lyrics: “It’s the glass bottle vessel and depths that extend. To the spins between us.” Her other song, “Child,” focuses on the nostalgic elements of childhood.

Through peaceful and uplifting sounds, the album is a great one to listen to while in the car and when you feel down. Especially since Lights has a way with words and sounds that make you feel alive and nostalgic. This album is no different.