French failure

photo by IMDb

Released on Nov. 3, 2021 “Lords of Scam” looks interesting from first glance but lets it’s audience down in a horrible way.

Nearly two hours of boring, confusing and hard to follow rambling. The Netflix movie “Lords of Scam” is just that an interesting concept that turned into a low-quality documentary. Released Nov. 3, this film seems like it should be good, but looks are very deceiving.

This movie is made up of long conversations and monologues from those involved in the scams and those who know some background to it. This movie jerks the viewer from one topic to another, like when it switches from Marco Mouly and a new character arguing over a sandwich to a totally new character in Israel. 

This movie is woefully slow. Right when you think you are getting to the interesting part, they slow down and spend time going into needless depth on the character’s family. The majority of the characters serve little to no purpose and would have benefited from being left out completely, such as the main character’s father. The movie itself only begins to form some sort of rag-tag plot 20 minutes into the film.

The cinematography is disgusting as well, it transitions between at least four screen sizes and the lighting makes it impossible to tell the reactions of characters at times. It uses incredibly random settings as well, from a car wash where his Lamborghini is being washed in the background to a billiard hall, with all of the inside settings keeping the odd blue lighting.

Its voiceover and translation also leaves the audience confused. When it was translated from French to English, a shoddy job was done to just drop a voiceover on top of the French-speaking characters, so the audience finds themselves constantly having to pay attention to hear the English words. The voice actors also use bad and confusing inflection with an already bad translation that make it impossible to understand the sides of a conversation.

It ends with very little closure, leaving out certain facts that make it confusing as to why it was made now in the first place. This movie could have been so much better if they had added any elaboration to the conversations and just waited a little longer for the details of the cases to come to light. It did use good professionals and words from the scammers themselves take up a large chunk of the movie, so it had the ability to become good, but sadly missed its mark

This movie seems thrown together badly. The French version even deserves to be discarded into the oblivion of bad movies. The only thing this movie gets right is the facts that it was supposed to inform the audience of, facts that could be found in 20 minutes after a quick Google search.