FAFSA labs help students find scholarships

photo by Alexis Madlang

Registration for the last FAFSA lab closes on Oct. 27 by 5 p.m. The lab will virtually be held by Seminole High School Nov. 4 at 6 p.m., registration is required prior to attendance.

If someone handed you $1000, would you give it back? Probably not. But not taking advantage of college scholarships is like not taking free money. As seniors continue taking steps towards their futures, student services are offering information on financial labs and assistance to help guide students through college expenses. 

Schools across the county host financial aid nights with Central Florida’s TRIO program, teaching students everything they need to know about the Free Application for Federal State Aid and other financial aid for college. 

Financial aid can be complicated. With clear instruction and explanation on enrollment to FAFSA, such as how to make an account, proposed in these labs, students are able to better understand what they need to do to best help them in the future. Hagerty is hosting its financial aid night virtually on Oct. 28 at 6 p.m., and registration for this lab is still open.

Registration for the last FAFSA lab closes on Oct. 27 by 5 p.m. The lab will virtually be held by Seminole High School Nov. 4 at 6 p.m., registration is required prior to attendance. All students have access to information on how to get involved through the Student Services eCampus page, where counselor Joan Toro posts every day.

 “The labs are most helpful to answer any and all questions about college financial aid, FAFSA, Bright Futures and more,” Toro said. “The dream is to prepare all of our students in the best ways we can, especially because college is expensive.”

The speakers from TRIO can help students make sense of FAFSA, by taking part in the FAFSA labs and information sessions online. The labs were set up with easy flexibility, ensuring every student has a chance to attend. Any students that could not make it to the school’s virtual night can register and go to different campuses’ virtual nights in person.

“Get FAFSA done no matter what, and the sooner students submit their FAFSA, the better,” Toro said. “Especially because there are some schools that will only provide school money based on their FAFSA.”