Leadership announces Homecoming: ‘Born in the 2000s’

Homecoming theme and dress up days are announced for the first week of November

Released on Oct. 11 through a WoofTV segment, Homecoming theme "Born in the 2000s" pays tribute to the childhood of the upperclassmen. "The seniors came up with this year’s idea—and we just wanted to pay homage to our childhood with us being born in the early 2000s," senior Kirsten Trevino said.

photo by Hagerty Leadership

Released on Oct. 11 through a WoofTV segment, Homecoming theme “Born in the 2000s” pays tribute to the childhood of the upperclassmen. “The seniors came up with this year’s idea—and we just wanted to pay homage to our childhood with us being born in the early 2000s,” senior Kirsten Trevino said.

Hip hop, iPods, reality tv, counterculture. A decade later, the 2000s represent the childhood of young adults across the country. 

On Oct. 11, WoofTV announced the 2021 Homecoming theme “Born in the 2000s.” Organized by the Leadership class, the dress up days incorporate key details of 2000s culture many upperclassmen will recognize.

“The theme for HOCO week is really cool,” junior Avery Descheneaux said. “I think the ideas they’ve come up with for the days are a bit more original and new in comparison to other dress up days in the past.”

Following the 2000s theme, each dress up theme follows different trends many students were interested in when they were children: “MTV Monday” encourages students to dress up like their favorite 2000s celebrity, song, or music video. “Disney vs. Nick” pits the upperclassmen against the underclassmen in a collision of the two most popular children’s broadcasting channels.  

“I am so excited for MTV Monday, but I think Disney vs. Nick is going to be a lot of fun to dress up for,” senior Kirsten Trevino said. 

“Wear It Again Wednesday” adds a new spin to the stereotypical pajama day, with participants expected to wear pajamas they would have worn when they were kids. The typical “Throwback Thursday” has a twist as well— instead of dressing up as someone from the 70s or 80s, students will dress how they did in elementary school. 

“I’m most excited for Throwback Thursday. I can’t wait to dress up in the old neon getup,” sophomore Carter Wegman said. “I’m sure I could dig some stuff out of the old closet, but if not I could just bond with some friends by going thrift shopping for items.” 

For the Friday pep rally, students align themselves with their class’ “Power Ranger” by dressing in their respective color (orange for freshmen, green for sophomores, yellow for juniors and pink for seniors) or wearing their class Homecoming shirt. 

“I think most people I’ve heard from are excited— because most of the dress up days are not recycled, unlike previous years,” Trevino said. “Overall I think students are excited to return back to a somewhat normal Homecoming week.” 

As a senior member of the leadership class, Trevino has planned three homecomings over the last four years, and helped brainstorm the 2000s’ theme. At the beginning of the year, the class breaks into different groups to brainstorm homecoming themes and dress up day ideas, before presenting them to the class and voting on the best one. 

“The seniors came up with this year’s idea—and we just wanted to pay homage to our childhood with us being born in the early 2000s,” Trevino said. 

Homecoming week begins on Monday, Nov. 1, and ends on Saturday, Nov. 6 with the Homecoming dance “Born in the 2000s.” Tickets will be sold on MySchoolBucks starting Oct. 18 for $30, before jumping to $35 on Oct. 25 and finally $40 on Nov. 1 and at the homecoming door.