Looking for help

Tutoring program in need of volunteer tutors

photo by Alexis Madlang

Senior Aaron Markowitz helps a student struggling with her algebra homework. Markowitz has been tutoring algebra 2 and chemistry for almost a full year.

After writing endless notes on proofs with half of the page seeming like gibberish, it is time to study for a geometry test tomorrow. You spend the whole night studying, although you do not quite understand and end up failing the test. Instead of suffering in silence or giving up, students have the resources to get help. 

For students interested in getting tutored, there is a link on the school website. Sign-ups are temporarily closed at the moment, due to a shortage in available tutors. 

“The biggest demand areas that I have are math and science,” assistant principal Mary Rocha said. “There were 79 requests, and at this time, we just don’t have enough tutors to accommodate the 79 requests all at once.”

Everyone who is a part of the program encourages students to sign up and get the help they may need, especially when there are enough tutors available. 

“If someone has volunteered to help you, they are definitely going to help you,” senior Kevin Conell said. “Even if you feel a little bit uncomfortable about getting help from a peer, it’s really important that you just go and get the help you need because that’s all they’re there for.” 

Most tutors are accepted through honors societies, but others looking to become tutors can email Rocha with their qualifications and interests in becoming a tutor. 

“Someone could be able to explain something better than the teacher might be able to because you relate to what that student is going through,” Rocha said. “So I hope that it gets them the help they need so that they feel more confident in the subject matter and helps them ultimately do better in their classes.” 

Beginning in 2018, the tutoring program not only helps students struggling with difficult subjects, but also provides volunteer opportunities to those capable of helping their peers. 

When the program first started, students would meet after school in the tutoring center in building seven, across the hall from the discipline administrative office. In the past two years, however, the sessions have become virtual via Webex due to COVID-19 mandates. This system has allowed more flexibility for both the learners and tutors, outside of the time constraints of regular school hours or other activities after school. Tutors are able to teach online at their chosen available times, in conjunction with whoever they have chosen to tutor.