Football transitions into summer training

The varsity football team is stretching before their practice.

After a spring practice that ended with a May 21 game against Lake Brantley, the varsity football team will now start their eight-week summer program on June 1. Athletes will meet Monday through Thursday from 8 to 10 a.m., and will participate in a one-hour weight program and a one-hour speed and agility program. 

“Summer workouts are the best way to improve players skills,” said head football coach Steve Mikles.

According to Mikles, this is the best way to get ahead. Players can go from “good” to “great” during this time but it is all about how much effort they put into the workouts. There is a lot to accomplish during the summer, and they have to come ready and prepared. 

“The best thing about summer workouts is you have time to get a lot accomplished. Players are excited because they know there is no school after the workouts so they workout hard,” said Mikles. 

Many players are looking forward to team workouts to start, and they cannot wait to be back on the field working hard this summer. The goal is to win— and they use that as their motivation as they push through the eight-week program. 

“I am excited that we finally get to lift and to work out as a team,” said freshman Jaymen Patel. “My goal is to get my bench up and my deadlift. I want to start the season in a good flow and be used to playing in the heat.”

New players will be paired up with returning players. The returning players will teach them what the football program is about, and how they do things at hagerty. All players must submit a physical and fill out an athletic clearance card in order to play. 

Mikles has high expectations for his team going into the summer. He wants his players to come with a purpose, and come to get stronger during his eight-week program. 

They know we have to be in better shape than the teams we play and that’s how I expect them to work,” said Mikles. 

The first game of the 2021 season is Sept. 17 against Timber Creek at home. The team has all summer to prepare for this tough first game of the season, and be ready to play in front of a packed crowd again.