Girls weightlifting wins district championship

photo by Skyler Glenn

Senior Megan Carlson completes a bench press at the district championship. The girls’ weightlifting team came in first place with 77 points.

After a successful season and first place at the SAC Championship, the girls weightlifting team dominated the FHSAA District 6 Championship held at Hagerty on Wednesday, Jan. 6. The team gained 77 points, putting them almost 40 points ahead of all other schools in attendance.

“Our team has worked really hard every single day to be where we are,” senior Emma Ducharme said. “We pushed each other to be better whenever we were working out.”

The top lifters at the district championship were Ducharme (110 lbs), senior Olivia Lipari (129 lbs) and senior Karlie Marini (183 lbs), each lifting over 230 pounds total. Many girls hit new personal records, including junior Mari McCluskey, who went six for six on her lifts. 

 “I feel really good about how the team and I did. This is my first year, and I’m impressed with my progress,” McCluskey said. 

Every girl on the team hit all of their lifts, giving them confidence in their ability to win. The team’s victory came as no surprise to head coach David Attaway.

“We truly swept the floor with the other teams,” Attaway said. “They earned this title.”

This win propels the girls to the FHSAA 7A Regional Championship at Hagerty on Saturday, Jan. 30. A total of 19 team members will attend, allowing for most of the lineup to participate. Preparation and practice for the team will continue leading up to this event. 

“There is room to improve before regionals,” Attaway said. “We will use these next few weeks to become stronger.”

Overall, the team is very pleased with their performance and hopes to keep their record strong through regionals. Their determination has made winning titles and championships possible.

“Every day, we hold each other accountable to be the absolute best we can,” McCluskey said. “Even though competing is scary, I know that we will continue to do our best.”

photo by Brooke Cuozzo