Girls weightlifting defeats Lake Mary

photo by Chanson Cadet

Senior Nadia Briggs performs her clean and jerk during the competition against Lake Mary.

On Dec. 5, the girl’s varsity weightlifting team beat Lake Mary, 76-8, and is looking ahead to the SAC championship on Dec. 9

The team has been preparing all year. Going in with a game plan and executing it is essential, but each member incorporates their own strategies when lifting. 

“I focus on positive affirmations and try to refrain from psyching myself out before I start lifting,” senior Amira Ali said. “I also remember the little things that my coaches tell that will help me hit the lift.”

The goal of every lifter is to hit a new max during both the bench press and clean and jerk parts of the competition. Having the highest max in the weight class means more points for the team so lifters are motivated to try their hardest, like senior Christina Montique who hit a new max of 130 pounds on the bench press by working hard during practices.

“Seeing all the new maxes my teammates made were the most surprising this week,” Montique said.  It is very uplifting knowing all their hard work is paying off.”

Head coach David Attaway was confident in the work the girls had been putting in and was sure of their victory at the past meet.

“Lake Mary, they’re a great group but they’re not all that,” Attaway said. “We knew we were gonna win going into it, and it was more of a confidence builder and preparation for our conference championship tomorrow.”

The conference championship is a meet between eight teams and 160 lifters. Each team starts two girls per weight class. 

“I really got into my head and missed two clean and jerks,” senior Georgia Campbell said. “I need to take what I learned from this meeting and apply to the conference on Wednesday.”

Conference results decide how far the team will be moving in the competition. The team is prepared and ready to place at multiple levels.

“Our goals are to win conference, districts and regionals. The hope is to take the most girls we’ve ever taken to states,” Attaway said. “We have one state champ hopefully and like two or three top qualifiers.”