The student news site of Hagerty High School

You are not alone

Mental health awareness has had an increased presence: through pamphlets, posters and 30-minute school lessons every week. Yet despite heightened attention, many still feel alone in their personal battles with mental illness.

Mental illnesses are a unique challenge for everyone, but what people do not realize is how widespread the issues are – your closest friend might be going through something right now, and you would not even know it.

If you are struggling with mental health, do not be afraid to reach out to a friend or family member and talk about it. Someone is always there to help, even when you feel like no one will listen to what you have to say.

As hard as it may be, avoid letting your emotions define you. Let it teach you about who you are and allow it to make you into a better person. Struggling with mental health will not make you weak; it makes you a stronger person who is capable of doing so many great things. 

In this series of stories, is sharing the real accounts of Hagerty students who are all working through their own battles with mental health.

Editor’s note: We chose to keep these stories anonymous to protect to identity of the writers. They deal with serious issues, and some of the content might be upsetting. We hope these stories give our readers insight into some of the issues our students experience, but if you are experiencing these issues, please see the links in the top middle Resources section or talk to your counselor.

One day at a time
Mental Health Resources
Learning to manage anxiety
It’s not your fault
When parenting fails
A long road back

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