A game far, far away from what we wanted

photo by Maxis

The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu came out on September 8, 2020 and was met with mixed reviews among critics. The game pack follows stuff pack Nifty Knitting and expansion pack Eco Lifestyle.

It was already shaping up to be the most disliked game pack the Sims 4 had ever released when, on September 8th, “The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu” finally came out.

The new game pack allows the player to transport their sim to the “Star Wars” vacation world Batuu, currently occupied by the First Order, the Resistance, and a gang of smugglers. The player can complete missions for any of those organizations and, as their reputation grows, gain access to new content and even iconic characters like Kylo Ren and Rey. 

Despite the beautiful new world included in this game pack, it has boring gameplay, unusable clothing and build items, and the relative inability to use the game content outside of Batuu made it incredibly disappointing. 

Though at first the concept of going on missions for the light or dark side seemed intriguing, they quickly turned out to be repetitive. The majority of them are simple click-and-wait missions where the player just assigns the sim a task and watches them complete it over and over again. It is not the most engaging gameplay, which is frustrating as the game pack could have been much more fun if the player could have interactions that actually mattered, like if they could be demoted for yelling at a superior First Order officer. 

Another major problem with the game pack is how difficult it is to use the new build and “Create a Sim” items outside of the new vacation world Batuu. Though any “Star Wars” fan would find these items cool, they are a weird mix of futuristic and steampunk that wouldn’t really fit in most of the other Sims 4 worlds.

Similarly, many of the features of this game pack are essentially unusable outside of Batuu. Aside from bringing a droid home, nothing the sim does affects their normal life. This is especially disheartening as the entire point of a game pack is to expand on The Sims 4’s current gameplay. 

The new “Star Wars: Journey to Batuu” game pack is disappointing because it lacks a lot of the creativity and life fans used to get with additions like “Dine Out.” Though it succeeded in creating a really interesting-looking world, the gameplay is mostly underwhelming and is only worth it if the player is a big fan of both “The Sims 4” and “Star Wars”, as well as has an extra $20 to burn.