Cards Against Family

photo by Leah Luedeman

People can download “Cards Against Humanity: Family Edition” in two different size PDFs for free. One is a 21-page PDF with small square cards and the other is a 47-page PDF with larger rectangular cards.

“Moms love ‘Pizza’” or “Moms love ‘Being super serious right now?’” 

Which response is the better round-winning choice? Your pick might not change the world, but it might determine who wins the round of the free new game “Cards Against Humanity: Family Edition.” 

On April 2, Cards Against Humanity released a new edition. You can download two different sized PDFs of the beta edition, available for download to print, cut and play. The standard version of the game, complete with cards you don’t have to spend hours cutting out yourself,  will be available in stores later this fall for $25. 

For people unfamiliar with the game, one player is the judge for a randomly picked prompt card and everyone else has to choose one of their cards to fill in the blank. 

All of the new game cards are comical for all ages leading to well-spent family bonding time during quarantine and distracts from all unnecessary screen time. The game never gets repetitive with all the wacky variety the cards offer for hilarious response cards including “Huge hairy men” and “Fire farts.”

The only downside to the game being for all ages is that the humor can be seen as too childish. This leaves one type of humor: poop jokes, the great humor everybody still finds funny. The word “butt” appears 24 times in the game in humorous cards such as “Seymour Butts” and “Dad’s famous poops.”

The classic version of the game is not for children to play because of its absurd answer cards, but the new family edition makes it so adults and children can play together and have just as much fun. My little sister kept repeating one of her cards, “Shut up, Becky” in a hilarious tone causing my entire family to laugh every time. 

It’s perfect to play with a middle school sibling, or your father if he acts foolishly and you’re not embarrassed about that. Mom might disapprove of the off-color jokes, but at least it’s not the real version of Cards Against Humanity, and it’s free.