P.S. I still love the sequel

Lara Jean, Peter and John Ambrose are three of the main characters in "To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You."

photo by IMBd

Lara Jean, Peter and John Ambrose are three of the main characters in “To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You.”

While Valentine’s Day was created by Hallmark to sell cards, Netflix recognized it as the holiday for rom coms. That is why releasing “To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You” two days before the holiday was a great move.

The “To All the Boys” sequel follows Lara Jean and Peter Kavinsky after they make their pretend relationship official. Their whirlwind romance in the previous movie after Lara Jean’s little sister Kitty Covey orchestrated a scheme to get Lara Jean a boyfriend.

“To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” has you believing that Peter and Lara Jean will have a perfect fairytale ending, become high school sweethearts and keep all the same friends for the next 20 years, but the sequel explores the imperfections and insecurities most teenage relationships experience. The pair has to balance outside of the relationship and how to show each other how much they care.

This movie is the perfect balance of romance and realism. The characters actually act the age they are portrayed to be. Both lead actors make bad decisions in their relationship and handle it the way any teenager would, with immaturity. But, the mistakes they make and secrets they keep lead them to what they need to learn about themselves and each other.

Lara Jean and her previous best friend Gen still have bad blood after the events of the first movie. But despite Lara Jean’s current romantic relationship, she forges form a less hostile connection with Gen.

What makes “P.S. I still love you” the perfect teen romance movie is that it is not predictable. While all the necessary cliches are present, the movie does not over-rely on them. 

One of the cliches they use well is the classic love triangle. After sending out five different love letters, it is only natural that the last of the recipients, John Ambrose, who has yet to give a response, makes an appearance.

John Ambrose is a dreamboat. Played by Jordan Fisher, he is the perfect match for Lara Jean. He plays the piano, they have the same interests, and he is a fellow romantic. So it is no wonder Peter feels intimidated when John Ambrose replies to his letter.

This sets up the main conflict as Lara Jean has to decide between someone she has a natural connection with and another who seems perfect for her.

“To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You” is the perfect movie to watch this Valentine’s Day with anyone: your special someone, friends or even alone. It will make you cry and laugh at the same time, and for some reason, you will find yourself sticking around for the credits.