No freaking way, this is cold

photo by Maggie Taylor

Even on the coldest day of the year, (Jan.21) Sophomore Gaby Witherwite is still able to go outside and play tennis.

The last time, maybe the only time it snowed in South Florida was 40 years ago. Since then, temperatures never drop below the 30s and stay around the 70s even in winter, making t-shirts appropriate attire year-round. So to students coming from northern states or cold-weather countries, Florida winters do not really count as true winters. 

To natives, wearing Uggs and large coats seems normal for the season. 

Junior Charlotte Razzell used to live in Devon, England. In Devon, it only gets cold enough for snow in late February. 

“I was living in a cottage and I was on the second story when I looked out the window below me. It was completely covered in snow. It was so flat and beautiful like a blanket,” said Razzel.

One of the main differences between Central Florida winters and everywhere else is the lack of snow.

“It is 35 degrees right now (Jan.22) which is below freezing. I don’t know why it isn’t snowing right now. Why do we have to suffer through cold with no snow,” said junior Julia Geismar who was then informed that the freezing temperature is 32 degrees.

Most states hit below the freezing temperature by December allowing residents of those states to have a very different experience than natives who would  spend their winters building sandcastles and playing outside in the Sunshine State.

Junior Mariam Abou El Maali grew up in Missouri, where the snowfall averages 18 inches a year.

“ I just remember playing outside and making snowmen,” said junior Mariam Abou El Maali. “ I miss trying to play outside as early as my mom let me in the morning because that was the coldest time of the day. Snow is a big part of my memories as a kid.”

Floridians might have hurricane days, but no Floridian has ever had a snow day. A snow day is when the roads are blocked with snow, making it too dangerous for students to get to school. It is often predicted on the news the night before and made official in the morning.

Junior Selin Islitifi grew up in Lubbock, Texas where snow days are a common occurrence.

“You wake up in the morning and look outside the window and there’s just white everywhere. And then you’ll go and look out at the driveway and there’s just no way you can get out and it’s just like, man, guess I’m not going to school today,” said Islitifi. 

Although the coast occasionally gets off for “hurricane days,” snow days are different. Hurricane days mean that the streets flood, trees get knocked over, and the power is most likely going to go out. But with snow days are more exciting, letting kids and teens play outside in the soft ice.

Freshman Mackenzie English visited Illinois and experienced lows of 20 degrees.

“I was hanging out with my brother and his friends in my backyard that had a swing set in it. I saw them swinging and then jumping off, landing in the snow, so I thought I should do that too. I jumped off and landed face first. It hurt a lot,” said English.

Kids movies like “Narnia,” “Frozen” and “Home Alone” are not something Floridians can relate to. Regardless, previous northerners enjoy how different the winters are.

“After a few days, it gets watery and muddy. So the snow looks pretty for like a day. At least we don’t have to deal with that here,” said Razzell.

Florida will most likely never be a winter wonderland but it still gets cool enough where A/C is not required. But the lack of snow makes visiting other states all the more interesting.