Workin’ it

photo by Valeri Canocio

Junior Bella Wright poses for her head shot taken early November.


“You are so pretty, you should model!”Friends say this to hype up one of their besties to take cute pictures for Instagram or when they come to school with a fresh fit. But a few students have taken this advice to heart.

Sophomore Kat Bell has worked as a model with GAP and independent photographers like Ken Weingart since she was a child.

“My experience has been very positive because I usually don’t do completely professional studio work,” Bell said. “And with commission work, even though there’s not a lot of it around, has really easy and uncomplicated shoots.

With the vastness of the industry, there are many different ways to get involved in the modeling. One could join an agency, use the internet (become an Instagram model) or stick to working for independent photographers. 

Senior Josh Rosenblatt has worked with the agency Barbizon for the past two years and was recently involved in the Premier Hair Show this past June, having his hair dyed and styled to feature the hair stylists skills. 

“The hardest part is getting work,” said Rosenblatt. “There are a lot of dry seasons, meaning there isn’t a lot of work to be had, and whatever work they do have goes to their best models.”

Models often struggle to find steady gigs around the summer and winter holidays. Any campaigning or ads that would be put out for a holiday are shot months in advance, leaving dry seasons in between.

Despite this, modeling can be a lucrative job for students, like it is for junior Bella Wright who has modeled all over the United States and will be apart of the Macy’s fashion show in Spring 2023.

Wright makes between $60 to $200 each shoot depending on the company.

However, this is not always the case. 

“Sometimes they pay in product, meaning I get free products or whatever I’m modeling for them,” said Rosenblatt. 

Additionally, companies or photographers will “pay” young models with experience. This can be mutually beneficial. Allowing the model to build their portfolio while the company gets the pictures they need.    

Having a good portfolio and previous experience is important for models who want to move forward in their career. 

“I don’t have the type of followers companies  want, so they usually use the photos for commercials or promotion on an inner company level,” said Bell. 

While modeling has a lot of benefits, being judged constantly for ones looks can hurt over time.

“I did a shoot on Saturday and I kept being told my hair wasn’t flowy enough and they made a big deal out of it,” said Wright. “It can be really degrading. You’re constantly being told that you’re not skinny enough or that your hair isn’t blonde enough. It’s an easy way to get a poor self image.”

Modeling is a broad term. There are so many different options for how to go about it.

Interested students should be sure to research and find a company or photographer that works for them.

“You gain new skills and go on jobs to gain popularity. It’s a lot of fun,” said Rosenblatt.