JROTC hosts Veterans Day event

photo by Peyton Sutch

Rep. David Smith presents a speech to the JROTC cadets about how being in the ROTC program has improved his life. His goal was to inspire students to continue participating in the program.

Col. Calvin Wimbish teaches the seven values of the Army to his cadets: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage. As a way to enforce the importance of these values in everyday life, the JROTC program hosted History Channel’s National Take a Veteran to School Day on Nov. 12, the day after Veterans Day. 

Rep. David Smith visited the school for a presentation onto encourage students in the JROTC program to strive to be the best that they can. All 105 cadets in the JROTC program, as well as a small number of virtual students, attended the presentation in the auditorium during fourth period. Students were engaged in the presentation as they started to understand how they could use the skills they are learning in JROTC right now to improve their daily lives. 

The History Channel planned this event with schools as a way for students to connect with veterans and learn more about Veterans Day. 

“[We invited] veterans of all backgrounds to share their stories and receive thanks for their years of service,” Wimbish said.

Some of the veterans went to the JROTC room to talk to the cadets about what ROTC has done for them and how it has helped them throughout their military service and daily life. This event is meant to encourage students to stay in JROTC and take advantage of what they are learning as it may be useful to them for the rest of their life.

Students who are involved in the program have the opportunity to learn more about civics and careers in the military. JROTC’s goal is to make sure that the cadets are taught about why it is important to honor those who protect our country.

Veterans Day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice which ended the fighting between the Allied nations and Germany during World War I. For this reason, Veterans Day, originally called Armistice Day, occurs on Nov. 11 each year. On this national holiday veterans are thanked for their service to the country. 

“We want to make sure that when [students] leave high school, [they] have a foundation for a great future,” Wimbish said.