Annual Kiwanis Stocking Project benefits community

Sunday, Dec. 15, Hagerty’s Key Club joined efforts with Oviedo and Winter Springs’ Key Clubs to stuff stockings for children in the Oviedo and Winter Springs area that would not otherwise receive presents for Christmas.
Key Club is under Kiwanis International, a foundation dedicated to serving the community. The Hagerty branch, sponsored by teacher Nitza Ariza, consists of approximately 60 students.
“My favorite part of sponsoring the school’s key club is seeing all the high school students take on leadership roles and learning to help others,” Kiwanis Key club sponsor Kathy McDonald said.
The annual Kiwanis Stocking Project has been taking place for 15 years. Kiwanis member Kim Carthen coordinated the event, working with the three schools. Stockings stuffed will go to the Harbor House, Oviedo Police Department, Winter Springs Police Department and other miscellaneous social service groups for distribution.
Students spent three hours in the Oviedo Mall Community Room stuffing a total of 500 stockings containing items such as soap, toothpaste, crayons and snacks for children ranging in age from four to 18.
“It helps out the community. It helps out kids in need, and its a fun time to just hang out with the other clubs,” sophomore Justin Zwicker said.