Administration introduces new parking system

photo by Lukas Goodwin

Students in the red lot leave school for the day. This lot was for those with six or seven classes on campus.

Last year, campus parking was all about the numberseach student who purchased a spot used the same spot all year. This year, the administration transformed the old system into flex lots. Depending on the number of classes in someone’s schedule, each student has the liberty to park in any spot of their choice, as long as it is in the correct colored section.

The lots are split into red, yellow and green zones, each corresponding with the number of classes someone has. Students with six to seven on-campus classes use the red lot, students with three to five use the yellow lot, and the green lot for students with one to two classes, and the back portion of the faculty lot.

“This new system is providing people with more parking,” said athletic secretary Laurie Kurtz. “By doing this, students… can share the same spots.”

With the current student population, according to the school resource officer David Attaway, roughly 1,000 students are not on campus in the mornings, and over 400 are gone by fifth and sixth period. The new system is designed to account for this.

But, despite this effort to supply more spots to students, some of them have been upset with their parking situation. In the yellow lot there are not as many spots, as the administration was intending for there to be a perfect split between morning and afternoon classes, but that has not been the case.

“You have to get to school early and fight over a good parking spot once you get there,” senior Sophia Aguilar said. “Sometimes… people have to park on the curb.”

Conversely, those who have parking passes have expressed their appreciation for the additional effort put in to direct the traffic, including traffic cones and security guards in the lots to guide the cars. The students in the red lot, particularly juniors, as this is their first year parking on campus, also enjoy the larger array of available spots.

“I park in the far back because not many people park there,” said junior Michael Self. “It’s nice. It only takes 10 seconds to leave.”

Via Woof TV, principal Rob Frasca made an announcement on Aug. 20 to explain the new parking situation and why the change was made.

“There’s a reason we are trying the system that we’re trying,” Frasca said. “Sometimes you try things and they work, and sometimes they don’t, so we’re going to monitor it throughout the course of this year to see if this is the best plan.”