NHS induction ceremony

photo by Faith Marino

Laura Darty walks up on stage during the ceremony to receive her award. 72 members were inducted this year.

National Honors Society held their annual induction ceremony on Wed. April 17, Due to the prestige students took time to make sure their application was perfect, and 72 people new members were accepted into the club. The members accepted are decided by an anonymous 5 person faculty council board.

“The process to get into NHS was interesting because I had to reflect what I do and my character traits,” sophomore Olivia Martin said.

Students had to write out their qualifications for the application and include leadership roles taken and clubs that they have been a part of.

“NHS will help me grow my skills and abilities in leadership positions but also volunteering is going to help me give back to the community,” junior Jordyn Sparrell said.

The effect of the NHS is one of the reasons it is hard to apply for. Students state that if accepted into the society it helps get community service hours, adds more to job applications, and helps expand good leadership skills.

“It prepares students to be an overall good citizen of the community. We are a service organization, so we do a lot of service activities within the community showing the students that it isn’t all about academics,” sponsor Angela Campbell said.

The ceremony lasted 45 minutes. It is held to celebrate the kids who get in and to honor the junior and senior executive board. During the ceremony the new students signed the book of members and received their awards for entering.

“The induction was good because it was really professional because it seemed like you were a part of something more than Hagerty High School,” sophomore Sarah Marino said.

Sophia Aguilar Amira Ali Andrew Alonso Brianna Bass
Haley Bombard Chloe Browning Robert Buch Elaina Butler
Nicolas Cai Shannen Chacon Bethany Champlin Roshna Cheruagail Ramadoss
Emma Cowgill Kelsey Curley Nicole D’Alfonso Laura Darty
Gina Dilullo Courtney Downing Alexander Downs Madison Drewry
Megan Edney Charles Ellis Alex Eum Soomin Eum
Isabella Franco Johann Fuchs Gabriela Gaarder Julia Geismar
Nathan Gilman Taylor Gilman Jenna Graeber Hannah Hall
Faith Hammack Joshua Hobbs Evan Hurt Logan Irving
Lillian Jacques-Baker Maitri Jajoo Samuel Kaplan Sharika Khondaker
Kyla Le Olivia Lipari Max Logalbo Charlotte Mansur
Sarah Marino Olivia Martin Amanda Medina-Torres Jolie Miller
Conor Mohre Charles Nguyen Parker North Gabriela Polera
Devan Ravani Kaylee Rodd Rishi Sajay Olivia Schultz
Matthew Self Catherine Skelly Luke Skillington Dominick Smith
Jordyn Sparrell Alyssa Spence Haleigh Strickland Casey Sun
Devynn Sunderman Alexander Tao Margaret Taylor Laila Viator
Hamza Zeini Julia Zhu Michelle Zou Lyzzalis Zuniga