French and Spanish classes head to Epcot

photo by Lukas Goodwin

The weather in Morocco was scorching hot. Sophomore Charles Ellis searched relentlessly for something to drink, but all he could find around him were photographers and birds pecking at specks of popcorn on the streets. With almost no hope left, Ellis was ready to give up. That is until he saw something, a food stand in France.

Friday Nov. 30, French and Spanish students traveled to Walt Disney World to enjoy a day at Epcot surrounded by the culture and customs of the languages that they have learned. The trip was not only intended as a day for students to have fun, but a day where students could learn more about the world.

From food to street acts, students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in a variety of cultures. One of the more memorable event was Père Noël, the French version of Santa Claus. He performed just outside France, telling students stories of how Christmas is celebrated in France.

He spoke mainly in French, and told stories of children getting presents. It helped me experience listening to someone in French and trying to decipher what they said,” French student Charles Ellis said.

Students had the opportunity to experience everything Epcot has to offer, including Test Track,  a rollercoaster that simulates testing a race car. While waiting in line students were able to create their ideal car, and later tested it in the ride.

Spaceship Earth was another favorite, a ride that takes travelers through time within the giant Epcot Ball.

The trip was not all fun and games, however. Students were required to fill out a packet about the countries that speak the languages they have learned and how they celebrate Christmas.

“It was not all that challenging, the characters in the street were very helpful, and we were able to fill out the packets within the first hour or so,”  Sophomore Jacob Carlson said.

Students were able to connect with other classes as well. One of the rides, Living on the Land, educated students on sustainable agriculture practices, and how Epcot utilizes them. Sophomore Adrianna Vasquez found this very familiar to her Human Geography course in freshman year.   

 With almost 140 students in attendance, the trip was considered fairly affordable. Each student paid $70 for the ticket, as well as an additional $10 fee for the bus.

“ It was a pretty good deal considering a normal Epcot ticket can be almost double that,” Vasquez said.

Next year students hope to continue the trip and encounter more experiences.

“There is so much to do at Epcot, and so little time. Hopefully next year we hit all the things we missed,” Ellis said.